Dakota State University
College of Education  



Name: __Jayne Peterson_________

Grade Level: __9th-11th______

Date: __12/7/11_________ 

Time: _8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.____


Reflection from prior lesson:

The last lesson that I observed, students finished up Chapter 9 on the simulations.  They had to take a quiz, so the teacher held a review session.  Many students still didn’t understand some of the material, but had to take the quiz anyway.  The quizzes turned out okay, but about half of the students got the big (financial problem) question wrong.


Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:  

NBEA (National Business Education Association)

V. Buying Goods and Services
Achievement Standard: Apply a decision-making model to maximize consumer satisfaction when buying goods and services.


Lesson Objectives:

Students will work as a team to find the definition(s) of a key term from Chapter 23.  Each group must submit a picture that depicts the term onto Mrs. Quail’s share drive for each vocabulary word. 

Groups will go one at a time and present their key terms to the classroom.  Each group member must present – groups are expected to explain the picture, give the definition, and state what the term is not.  This must be done with 95% accuracy.

Students must listen to the presenters and write the definition of each term on their vocabulary sheet.  By the end of class, students must turn in their vocabulary sheets with the student’s name on it.  This must be done with 95% accuracy.

Materials Needed: 

Pencil or Pen, Computer, Textbook


Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This classroom is usually made up of about 15 students.  A couple of students are usually absent, but each group will have 2 students, possibly 3. There is a good mix between boys and girls, and every student has a computer at their desk.  I noticed that there is tracking taking place in this classroom, there are approximately 4 or 5 students that are or were recently on an IEP (Individual Education Plan). 


A.  The Lesson 


1.       Introduction (4 minutes)  

·         I will receive the students’ attention by having them log out of the computers and look at me.  I then will introduce myself, and let the class know what we are doing today.

·         We will be starting the lesson of “Buying A Car”, and I will stress the importance of knowing these vocabulary terms before we start the lesson.

·         I will have everyone count off 1-8 (or just to make sure each group has two students) and pass out the vocabulary terms as they count off.

·         I will tell everyone that we will be presenting the terms, let them know the requirements (each student needs to present within their group) and that we will have about 15 minutes to prepare for the presentations.



2.       Content Delivery (40 minutes)

a.        Students will be given approximately 15 minutes to define the vocabulary word, find a picture, and figure out what the term is not.  Students will work within their groups (groups of two) and some groups will have 2 key terms.

b.       Students will present their group’s key term (sometimes 2 terms), and project the picture they submitted to the share drive on the projection.   

c.        I will remind the students that the vocabulary sheet will be collected at the end of class for credit.

d.       Each group will take approximately 3 minutes to present, depending on if the classroom has questions, or if I explain further or ask the class questions. 



3.       Closure (3 minutes)  

a.        We will close with a final definition that was either unclear or not presented for the students to finish filling out their vocabulary sheets.

b.       I will ask students if there are any more questions, and tell them that they did a good job if they met all requirements.

c.        I will remind students to hand in the vocabulary sheets to the front of the room, and put their books away. 


B. Assessments Used

Groups will go one at a time and present their key terms to the classroom.  Each group member must present – groups are expected to explain the picture, give the definition, and state what the term is not.  This must be done with 95% accuracy.

Students must listen to the presenters and write the definition of each term on their vocabulary sheet.  By the end of class, students must turn in their vocabulary sheets with the student’s name on it.  This must be done with 95% accuracy.



C. Differentiated Instruction 

                Each group will present to the classroom verbally. Groups must project a picture onto the projection screen for a visual portrayal of the key term.  Visual learners will benefit from the picture depicting the key term, and auditory learners will benefit by listening to classmates present.  Students will also benefit by writing down each vocabulary definition, because it will keep them engaged throughout the entire lesson.


D.  Resources
